Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Write. Help. Connect. Inspire. Be relevant.

How to be a bigger resource to your customers? Learn more from Lee Olden of "TopRankBlog" - in order or priorities or process - about:
1) Blog
2) Newsletters & Email Marketing
3) Media Coverage & Contributes Articles
4) Resource Center
5) Social Networks & Media
6) Events

Notice: Social Media is only on 5th position in order of priorities & focus

Amplify’d from www.toprankblog.com
For small businesses, looking “big” online isn’t so much about appearing as a large company when they’re not. Its about being a big resource for prospects and customers.  As the popularity of content marketing and brands as publishers heats up with large companies, many small businesses still have the advantage of being nimble and adaptive to new ways of engaging customers.  That ability to experiment and implement quickly as well as creatively can be a big advantage.
Read more at www.toprankblog.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Write. Help. Connect. Inspire. Be relevant.

How to be a bigger resource to your customers? Learn more from Lee Olden of "TopRankBlog" - in order or priorities or process - about:

1) Blog

2) Newsletters & Email Marketing

3) Media Coverage & Contributes Articles

4) Resource Center

5) Social Networks & Media

6) Events

Notice: Social Media is only on 5th position in order of priorities & focus

Amplify’d from www.toprankblog.com
For small businesses, looking “big” online isn’t so much about appearing as a large company when they’re not. Its about being a big resource for prospects and customers.  As the popularity of content marketing and brands as publishers heats up with large companies, many small businesses still have the advantage of being nimble and adaptive to new ways of engaging customers.  That ability to experiment and implement quickly as well as creatively can be a big advantage.
Read more at www.toprankblog.com

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bucking trend, Dremel picks Web over mobile apps

A well thought out mobile website is able to accommodate more phones that Androids or iPhones. They also use QR codes throughout their printed catalogs.

Amplify’d from news.cnet.com

QR codes are all the rage in marketing circles, appearing on Pepsi and wine bottles and Google QR code stickers for businesses' windows.

Dremel is using QR codes--the black-and-white checkered area to the lower right of this promotional material--to try to get mobile phone users to explore its product line.

Dremel is using QR codes--the black-and-white checkered area to the lower right of this promotional material--to try to get mobile phone users to explore its product line.

Read more at news.cnet.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Bucking trend, Dremel picks Web over mobile apps

A well thought out mobile website is able to accommodate more phones that Androids or iPhones. They also use QR codes throughout their printed catalogs.

Amplify’d from news.cnet.com

QR codes are all the rage in marketing circles, appearing on Pepsi and wine bottles and Google QR code stickers for businesses' windows.

Dremel is using QR codes--the black-and-white checkered area to the lower right of this promotional material--to try to get mobile phone users to explore its product line.

Dremel is using QR codes--the black-and-white checkered area to the lower right of this promotional material--to try to get mobile phone users to explore its product line.

Read more at news.cnet.com

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Location-Based Check-in Motivation = Deal & Sharing

If you are running a restaurant or a store or another cool place and your audience is increasingly mobile, you should look into location based service like Foursquare, Gowalla, Facebook Place and use their special deal features. Only then will you learn more about your customers and build relationships while they are in your store and shop and not when they pay and the experience is over. Get Social get relevant, build relationships with your customers... Offer them a deal for checkins, advertise your location on those sites.

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

QR codes on all kind of print media - Graphic #sbrn #swfl

BTW: Blog post is over 4 years old and from Danmark. Seems it's already mainstream in Europe and Japan. Ah well...

Monday, January 31, 2011

15 Useful B2B Twitter Tools on SocialMediaB2B

The whole Twitter Tools environment can be quite daunting, just look at oneforty.com (@OneForty) so any article that briefly explains addtional Twitter service is worth reading. It also expands the horizon in terms of possibilities and different ways to use Twitter.

Amplify’d from socialmediab2b.com
With Twitter such an important social media platform and with so many Twitter tools available, we thought we’d highlight a few that could be valuable to the social media managers in your B2B organization. Here’s a list of 15 tools you may find useful:

See more at socialmediab2b.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Take 2 on Socialnomix by Erik Qualman (@equalman) #sbrn #swfl

Well worth watching, updated stats and insights into the world of doing business.
This hits the nail on the head: "The ROI of social media is that your business will still exist in 5 years" Be relevant, be social!

Amplify’d from socialnomics.net

  1. 34% of bloggers post opinions about products & brands

  1. Do you like what they are saying about your brand? You better.

  1. People care more about how their social graph ranks products and services  than how Google ranks them

  1. 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations

  1. Only 14% trust advertisements

  1. Only 18% of traditional TV campaigns generate a positive ROI
Read more at socialnomics.net

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Friday, January 28, 2011

What's the cost of Public vs Private Cloud

Cost comparison is per user seat. Still need to deal with the headaches, when going private, and balance it with perceived peace of mind regarding security. You definitely will be able to save a ton of money, when getting rid of your own hardware and network. Well worth looking into.

Amplify’d from wikibon.org

Public vs Private Cloud Computing

There are as many definitions of cloud as there are technology bloggers. However, the major theme is that a Public Cloud provides IT resources that are provisioned remotely from the consumer and operated by a third party.

In a Private Cloud, the infrastructure policies are governed by a single organization where workloads and data can be moved to and from internal and external data centers. Private Clouds provide an organization a single point of control for security, manageability, privacy, audit, compliance and governance.

However the business case for engaging in a public or private cloud strategy involves several factors, the most important being business revenue and/or budget.


Read more at wikibon.org

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Science of Twitter: A 10 step-guide to Retweets by Chris Lake. Go See How!

Bases on Dan Zarrella's Science of Twitter study, Lake develops clear explanations what makes a tweet to be retweeted. It's not all that matters but it exposes your stream to other people's followers, and if they find it interesting it's worth spreading is it? Good luck on the Twitter quest.

Amplify’d from econsultancy.com
I have previously described Twitter as “Delicious with opinion, in real time, and delivered to your door”. Follow the right people and the news comes to you: there’s no need to browse the news aggregators. Zarrella found that retweets are about three times as likely to contain a link, compared with a standard tweet. So spread the love and share links, if you want to be retweeted. 

There are various factors that come into play, and thankfully there is some data to back up some of these ideas. 

Read more at econsultancy.com

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The Next Great Extinction Event by @tedcoine #custserv #leadbiz

How Social Media will reshape businesses through the power of customers. We might finally be there, that customer service and leadership become personal and individual. Ted Coine is a great writer, too. Look at the start of his blog post... tension building and attention grabbing.

Sudden change is called an extinction event. Think of the dinosaurs. 65 million years ago, they were everywhere, these lumbering beasts that ruled the land, the sea, and even the air. 64,199,000 years ago (give or take), all we had left were some lizards, some little birds, and a few gators, their cousins. There was nothing gradual or gentle about the end of the dinosaurs at all. They were here, and then an asteroid* smacked into the earth, and then they were gone. Just like that.

Extinction events aren't that common, but when they occur, they're scary and exciting, all at once. They're unrelenting. And nothing is the same after the event. Nothing.

Social Media is an asteroid. It has struck the earth. 20th-Century businesses... those are the dinosaurs of our time. And their time has come.
Read more at savvycapitalist.blogspot.com

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Google Places Google Offers: Very promising @mashable

The Power of the Search Engine Giant behind a Coupon program, when local business are already claiming their businesses on Google Places.

Amplify’d from mashable.com

Google (Google) is actively reaching out to businesses now to get them on board with Offers. It even apparently has a writing team in place to craft the write-up for offers.

The search giant clearly isn’t giving this market up without a fight, though. With its vast reach, huge resources and brand recognition, it could prove to be a powerful player in the space. We’re going to be watching these developments closely. We’ve reached out to Google for comment.

Read more at mashable.com

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Pew Internet: Stable for stats on Internet User behavior. Make sure you stop by!

Here the latest on Generations Online. If you are looking to reach the broadest of all audience, look at the most common activities over all generations, and at the change in population over 45...

Amplify’d from pewresearch.org

Among the major trends in online activities:

  • While the youngest generations are still significantly more likely to use social networking sites, the fastest growth has come from internet users ages 74 and older. Social networking site usage for this age cohort has quadrupled since 2008, from 4% to 16%.
  • The percentage of all adult internet users who watch video online jumped 14 points in the past two years, from 52% in May 2008 to 66% in May 2010.
  • 51% of all online adults listen to music online, compared with 34% the last time this question was asked, in June 2004. While Millennials used to be by far the most avid listeners, Gen Xers and Younger Boomers are catching up.
  • As of May 2010, 53% of online adults have used a classified ads website such as Craigstlist, up from 32% in September 2007.

  • Email
  • Search engine use
  • Seeking health information
  • Getting news
  • Buying products
  • Making travel reservations or purchases
  • Doing online banking
  • Looking for religious information
  • Rating products, services, or people
  • Making online charitable donations
  • Downloading podcasts

Finally, the biggest online trend: While the youngest and oldest cohorts may differ, certain key internet activities are becoming more uniformly popular across all age groups. These include:

Read more at pewresearch.org

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Friday, January 21, 2011

The Fallacy of Social Media Reciprocation on @socialmediatoday

The post on socialmediatoday.com by Amber Naslund, VP on Social media at Radian 6 (@AmberCadabra) is all about, "you are not entitled to people follow you back just because you follow them". Twitter is not Facebook, no built in reciprocity, which I cherish. However there is a lot of peer pressure going on demanding a follow, or demonstratively unfollowing people three days when they don't get followed back.

So go ahead and resists the follow back instinct, if the person/brands stream is not relevant to you. Be egotistical. Those with relevant content will be very grateful:-)

Amplify’d from socialmediatoday.com
If you find something interesting, useful, entertaining, or valuable, give it your attention. If you don’t, don’t. If someone makes that choice for themselves and their assessment doesn’t agree with yours, tough. Discuss and learn to understand their reasons if you like, offer them yours and make your case, consider both sides…but get over it already.
Read more at socialmediatoday.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

The Fallacy of Social Media Reciprocation on @socialmediatoday

The post on socialmediatoday.com by Amber Naslund, VP on Social media at Radian 6 (@AmberCadabra) is all about, "you are not entitled to people follow you back just because you follow them". Twitter is not Facebook, no built in reciprocity, which I cherish. However there is a lot of peer pressure going on demanding a follow, or demonstratively unfollowing people three days when they don't get followed back.

So go ahead and resists the follow back instinct, if the person/brands stream is not relevant to you. Be egotistical. Those with relevant content will be very grateful:-)

Amplify’d from socialmediatoday.com
If you find something interesting, useful, entertaining, or valuable, give it your attention. If you don’t, don’t. If someone makes that choice for themselves and their assessment doesn’t agree with yours, tough. Discuss and learn to understand their reasons if you like, offer them yours and make your case, consider both sides…but get over it already.
Read more at socialmediatoday.com

Tongue-in-Cheek: Post about Twitter Profiles by @Joey_Strawn

I giggled all morning at the egg heads and other symptoms. Don't take it too seriously. Sometimes reverse psychology works. Hehe.

Amplify’d from joeystrawn.com
It seems a lot of people want to build terrible and crappy profiles, so I thought I would answer the call and put together this little How-To to teach people the proper ways to really suck it up on Twitter.
Read more at joeystrawn.com

Follow-up #SBRN event tonight: How To Write a Blog That Others Will Want to Read

For those starting out or thinking about blogging, you probably have a few ideas, but you also need to look into the future, 2 - 3 times a week blogging that 100 - 150 Blog posts per year... An all should be relevant to your audience? Phew, seems like a taunting task... You know how to eat an elephant? Right? Once bite at a time or one blog post at a time;-)

Amplify’d from socialmediatoday.com
Wisdom aside, in an attempt to give you a generous dose of inspiration, I thought that I’d purvey my own thoughts with regards to what makes a good blog that people will remember, re-post, retweet and, most importantly, return to again and again.
Read more at socialmediatoday.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Tongue-in-Cheek: Post about Twitter Profiles by @Joey_Strawn

I giggled all morning at the egg heads and other symptoms. Don't take it too seriously. Sometimes reverse psychology works. Hehe.

Amplify’d from joeystrawn.com
It seems a lot of people want to build terrible and crappy profiles, so I thought I would answer the call and put together this little How-To to teach people the proper ways to really suck it up on Twitter.
Read more at joeystrawn.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Thursday, January 20, 2011

10 Reason Why Facebook Page, rather than Profile @Larrybrauner

Somehow, a set of businesses and nonprofits got it all mixed up and created Facebook Profiles, instead of Facebook Pages.
The heavy-weights reasons: #1 - #2 - #6 - #7 - #10

Here are 10 reasons to use a Facebook business page for business instead of a Facebook personal profile:

  1. Facebook members who wish to follow your business will typically feel less comfortable adding you as friend and opening their private lives to you than merely connecting with your Facebook business page by “liking” it.
  2. In addition, Facebook has created barriers to adding strangers as friends, as I explained in 3 Key Social Media and Web Marketing Strategies for 2011: Good-Bye Facebook Open Networking.
  3. Mixing business and pleasure on Facebook personal profiles is often complicated.
  4. Because of these limitations, Facebook personal profiles will not grow virally, but Facebook business pages might.
  5. Facebook personal profile friends are limited to 5,000, but there is no limit on the number of Facebook business page fans.
  6. Facebook business-page content can be indexed by the search engines, but Facebook personal-profile content cannot. Facebook business pages can make use of search engines and SEO.
  7. There can be multiple Facebook business page administrators, and their identities will be shielded from visitors and fans. This feature offers Facebook business page administrators flexibility and some degree of privacy.
  8. Facebook business pages support applications and tabs. Personal page application tabs have gone away.
  9. Facebook business page administrators can send updates to fans. Some, not all, of the fans will actually read them, but this feature still has value.
  10. Facebook business pages come equipped by Facebook with a set of analytic tools called Facebook Insights.
Read more at online-social-networking.com

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mobile GoPayment - Battle over Small businesses begins

Competition is a good thing! Going free including reader and free account via Intuit. To qualify you need to sign up before Mid February.
Many small business could benefit that historically didn't take credit cards or had little benefit from it, baby sitters, plumbers, flea-market dealers...

Amplify’d from tech.fortune.cnn.com
Intuit, best known for its Quicken, QuickBooks and TurboTax accounting software, is making a big push into the burgeoning mobile payments business with the launch today of a free version of its nearly two-year-old GoPayment service
Read more at tech.fortune.cnn.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Don't overlook your fans!

This is were engagement with followers and fans really pays off: If you are able to motivate your most engaged followers to post your content, like the shared link, comment on your blog & retweet your twitterstream. Find a few ideas on How to Activate Your Brand’s Super Influencers

Amplify’d from mashable.com
As a marketer, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the 1% rule — that just 1% of your brand’s social media followers are responsible for the majority of sharing. They share your social media campaigns with their larger social network, passing on links to your contests, promotions, deals, and other marketing campaigns. These key influencers are more than just fans — they’re brand ambassadors.
Read more at mashable.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

RT @ chrisbrogan PingTags Adds QR Code Access to Your LinkedIn Profile « [chrisbrogan.com]

Mobile GoPayment - Battle over Small businesses begins

Competition is a good thing! Going free including reader and free account via Intuit. To qualify you need to sign up before Mid February.

Many small business could benefit that historically didn't take credit cards or had little benefit from it, baby sitters, plumbers, flea-market dealers...

Amplify’d from tech.fortune.cnn.com
Intuit, best known for its Quicken, QuickBooks and TurboTax accounting software, is making a big push into the burgeoning mobile payments business with the launch today of a free version of its nearly two-year-old GoPayment service
Read more at tech.fortune.cnn.com

RT @ chrisbrogan PingTags Adds QR Code Access to Your LinkedIn Profile « [chrisbrogan.com]

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Insider's Guide to Mobile, Free Edition by @tomiahonen

Published October 2010

Amplify’d from www.lulu.com
Comprehensive overview of mobile telecoms and smartphones business opportunity, from end-users to service and apps, to handsets, to the business of mobile. This free edition has the full 350 pages of original content including the Foreword by Raimo van der Klein, CEO of Layar. This free edition includes over 100 pages of samples including several reviews and chapter-length excerpts from several of Mr Ahonen's previous books
Read more at www.lulu.com

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NewsPress: Blogging as marketing tool to be discussed

Very much looking forward to the discussion. Join me and fellow SBRN members on January 20, 2011

Amplify’d from www.news-press.com

The Southwest Florida Small Business Resource Network will address blogging in relation to social media marketing at "The Best" series event Jan. 20 at Holiday Inn Fort Myers Airport at Town Center.

Attendees will learn tips and tools for blogging and the benefits of it.

Guest speaker is Birgit Pauli-Haack of Pauli Systems, an expert in the field of Web strategy, Web development and Web 2.0 integration.

The event, sponsored by Florida Gulf Coast University's Small Business Development Center, is from 5:30-7 p.m. at 9931 Interstate Commerce Drive in Fort Myers. Registration is required by Monday at sbdcseminars.org.

The cost is $15 for members, or $20, which includes refreshments.

Following the presentation is the network's monthly "Network After Five" social event, where members exchange ideas for growing their businesses.

Read more at www.news-press.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Insider's Guide to Mobile, Free Edition by @tomiahonen

Published October 2010

Amplify’d from www.lulu.com
Comprehensive overview of mobile telecoms and smartphones business opportunity, from end-users to service and apps, to handsets, to the business of mobile. This free edition has the full 350 pages of original content including the Foreword by Raimo van der Klein, CEO of Layar. This free edition includes over 100 pages of samples including several reviews and chapter-length excerpts from several of Mr Ahonen's previous books
Read more at www.lulu.com

INgage Networks' Record Year 2010

INgage Networks indentifies Greater Opportuinities and more Social Media Software Needs for 2011.

Amplify’d from www.ingagenetworks.com
“We started this company on the premise that we could think the unthinkable and make it a reality, and we’ve hit some extraordinary milestones along the way. While we realized many accomplishments in 2010, 2011 is our time to accelerate our leadership. We will continue to approach the market with all of the inventiveness, imagination, and dedication for which this company stands.” – Kim Patrick Kobza, President and CEO of INgage Networks
Read more at www.ingagenetworks.com

NewsPress: Blogging as marketing tool to be discussed

Very much looking forward to the discussion. Join me and fellow SBRN members on January 20, 2011

Amplify’d from www.news-press.com

The Southwest Florida Small Business Resource Network will address blogging in relation to social media marketing at "The Best" series event Jan. 20 at Holiday Inn Fort Myers Airport at Town Center.

Attendees will learn tips and tools for blogging and the benefits of it.

Guest speaker is Birgit Pauli-Haack of Pauli Systems, an expert in the field of Web strategy, Web development and Web 2.0 integration.

The event, sponsored by Florida Gulf Coast University's Small Business Development Center, is from 5:30-7 p.m. at 9931 Interstate Commerce Drive in Fort Myers. Registration is required by Monday at sbdcseminars.org.

The cost is $15 for members, or $20, which includes refreshments.

Following the presentation is the network's monthly "Network After Five" social event, where members exchange ideas for growing their businesses.

Read more at www.news-press.com

5 New Paradigms for a Socially Engaged Company @mashable

Companies are realizing that it is not enough to get people to show up to work; the real challenge is creating cultures that enhance creativity and innovation. On The article 5 New Paradigms for a Socially Engaged Company" on Mashable lists what leaders in the field had to say about this new age of innovation and engagement. (by

Amplify’d from mashable.com

The age of social media is not just changing our personal lives, but is increasingly affecting how business is conducted. No longer satisfied with strictly top-down models that view employees as cogs in a system, businesses are quickly adapting to a new paradigm that emphasizes connection, collaboration and innovation.

When people in companies and teams feel engaged, the benefits are significant. Towers Watson (formerly Towers Perrin), the global professional services firm, interviewed 90,000 employees in 18 countries, and found “companies with high employee engagement had a 19% increase in operating income and almost a 28% growth in earnings per share. Conversely, companies with low levels of engagement saw operating income drop more than 32% and earnings per share decline over 11%.”

Read more at mashable.com

5 New Paradigms for a Socially Engaged Company @mashable

Companies are realizing that it is not enough to get people to show up to work; the real challenge is creating cultures that enhance creativity and innovation. On The article 5 New Paradigms for a Socially Engaged Company" on Mashable lists what leaders in the field had to say about this new age of innovation and engagement. (by

Amplify’d from mashable.com

The age of social media is not just changing our personal lives, but is increasingly affecting how business is conducted. No longer satisfied with strictly top-down models that view employees as cogs in a system, businesses are quickly adapting to a new paradigm that emphasizes connection, collaboration and innovation.

When people in companies and teams feel engaged, the benefits are significant. Towers Watson (formerly Towers Perrin), the global professional services firm, interviewed 90,000 employees in 18 countries, and found “companies with high employee engagement had a 19% increase in operating income and almost a 28% growth in earnings per share. Conversely, companies with low levels of engagement saw operating income drop more than 32% and earnings per share decline over 11%.”

Read more at mashable.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mission Control @ Gatorade

A very telling picture how conversation on the Internet on various plattforms change who brands and companies handle the engagement.

Read Brian Solis: "From Community Management to Command Centers"

Mission Control @ Gatorade

A very telling picture how conversation on the Internet on various plattforms change who brands and companies handle the engagement.
Read Brian Solis: "From Community Management to Command Centers"

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Friday, January 14, 2011

Graphic: Social Net Usage of Executives

Amplify’d from blog.socialcast.com
According to The Society for New Communication Research (SFNCR), 92 percent of executives are users of LinkedIn, 51 percent are on Facebook, and 41 percent are on Twitter because these tools are “a great way to keep track of peers and colleagues.” Even more interesting is that 76 percent of executives check these social sites at least once per day. This demonstrates that busy executives want to keep up with their staff, but simply don’t have time for in-person meetings, calls, and other time-consuming activities. Using social media helps executives stay on top of what their teams are doing, giving them a convenient snapshot of their company happenings and work without having to learn about them around the conference table.
Read more at blog.socialcast.com


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Brian Solis: In Social Media, Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Amplify’d from www.briansolis.com
An effective social media plan must address business dynamics and it takes much more than a Facebook and Twitter presence. To keep things simple, social media are transformative…but essentially they’re channels, services, and networks used for intelligence, communication, and visibility.  If we introduced email to the organization today, would it focus solely on marketing or customer service? Of course not. Email is not owned by any one department. It extends the reach, voice, and capabilities of every person from the inside out and the outside in.
Read more at www.briansolis.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Graphic: Social Net Usage of Executives

Amplify’d from blog.socialcast.com
According to The Society for New Communication Research (SFNCR), 92 percent of executives are users of LinkedIn, 51 percent are on Facebook, and 41 percent are on Twitter because these tools are “a great way to keep track of peers and colleagues.” Even more interesting is that 76 percent of executives check these social sites at least once per day. This demonstrates that busy executives want to keep up with their staff, but simply don’t have time for in-person meetings, calls, and other time-consuming activities. Using social media helps executives stay on top of what their teams are doing, giving them a convenient snapshot of their company happenings and work without having to learn about them around the conference table.
Read more at blog.socialcast.com


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is your deparment or company ready for Social Media

Of course, you can always jump in an test the waters as an individual or small business organization. In the corporate world it's a little bit different. Dynamic among colleagues & customer & managers changes considerably in the participatory approach of corporate culture or community. It requires a much more deliberate efforts in various levels and a view beyond the hype, hip and cool.

Amplify’d from www.toprankblog.com

As part of the evaluation process, here are a few questions companies might ask themselves and answer as they embark on a social media marketing journey:

  1. What goals do you hope to achieve from a social media marketing effort?

  2. What measures of success will be used to evaluate a social media marketing program?

  3. What are your current social media channels and destination web sites/pages?:

  4. Do you employ a full-time community manager?

  5. If not, do multiple staff share the role of community manager?

  6. Are you conducting a formal effort at monitoring social channels using a social media monitoring/analysis software application? (Ex: Techrigy SM2, ScoutLabs, Trackur, Vocus, SocialRadar, Radian6)

  7. Is there a particular business unit, division or product that can serve as a test case?

  8. If active, how long has the company participated with social media sites and which? Blogging, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Wikis, Delicious, Digg, StumbleUpon, etc

  9. Are current social media participation on different sites coordinated?

  10. Is a dashboard and campaign management tool used for social media content promotion?

  11. Have you noticed any particular preferences within the target audience in their social web participation?

  12. Do they prefer particular sites? (Twitter vs Facebook – blogs vs forums)

  13. Do they comment, do they contribute content, do they tend to observe, do they not participate at all?

  14. Have you identified and engaged and/or networked with influentials in your target industry on social web sites?

  15. What unique value do current social media efforts offer clients/prospective clients? What need do they satisfy better than the competition?

  16. Are text content or media regularly shared on other social media sharing sites?

  17. Is there a user generated content component of your web site? Profiles, comments, reviews, content sharing: text, image, video or audio?

  18. What departments, business units, cost centers and approval entities would be involved with the Social Media program? Is there an internal social media council?

  19. What internal human resources are available within the company for support and implementation of social media marketing initiatives? (Content creation, network development, promotion, monitoring & analytics, community engagement)
Read more at www.toprankblog.com

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Erica Glasier: 50 Creative Uses Of QRCodes

Erica divides her great ideas into different verticals: Artists, Self-Promoting/Branding, Business Advertising, Products and NonProfits. There should be one or two for you, too.

Follow Erica Glasier on Twitter: EricaGlasier

Amplify’d from ericaglasier.com
Whether your goals are advertising, informing, galvanizing advocates or garnering Facebook ‘likes’, the QR code is ready to link up your audience to convenient, tailored, local, on-demand info, interactivity, and reasons to think you rule!
Read more at ericaglasier.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Erica Glasier: 50 Creative Uses Of QRCodes

Erica divides her great ideas into different verticals: Artists, Self-Promoting/Branding, Business Advertising, Products and NonProfits. There should be one or two for you, too.

Follow Erica Glasier on Twitter: EricaGlasier

Amplify’d from ericaglasier.com
Whether your goals are advertising, informing, galvanizing advocates or garnering Facebook ‘likes’, the QR code is ready to link up your audience to convenient, tailored, local, on-demand info, interactivity, and reasons to think you rule!
Read more at ericaglasier.com

Monday, January 10, 2011

Advanced Twitter Insights: @Joseph Stop following me

Getting overwhelmed with the stream? Joseph Haslam gives you a fast insight in how he set-up the flood gates (Twitter Tools).

A great graphic is posted on top of this blog... A still from the movie: Forest Gump running on a bridge with his followers....

Amplify’d from phoenixstrat.com
Twitter makes me feel a little like Forrest Gump.  Who are all these people and why are they following me!?
Read more at phoenixstrat.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology

Advanced Twitter Insights: @Joseph Stop following me

Getting overwhelmed with the stream? Joseph Haslam gives you a fast insight in how he set-up the flood gates (Twitter Tools).

A great graphic is posted on top of this blog... A still from the movie: Forest Gump running on a bridge with his followers....

Amplify’d from phoenixstrat.com
Twitter makes me feel a little like Forrest Gump.  Who are all these people and why are they following me!?
Read more at phoenixstrat.com

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Don't overlook your fans!

This is were engagement with followers and fans really pays off: If you are able to motivate your most engaged followers to post your content, like the shared link, comment on your blog & retweet your twitterstream. Find a few ideas on How to Activate Your Brand’s Super Influencers

Amplify’d from mashable.com
As a marketer, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the 1% rule — that just 1% of your brand’s social media followers are responsible for the majority of sharing. They share your social media campaigns with their larger social network, passing on links to your contests, promotions, deals, and other marketing campaigns. These key influencers are more than just fans — they’re brand ambassadors.
Read more at mashable.com

Posted via email from Socialmedia Technology